Static routes are commonly implemented on a network. This is true even when there is a dynamic routing protocol configured. Static routes can be configured for IPv4 and IPv6. Both protocols support the following types of static routes: •Standard static route •Default static route •Floating static route •Summary static route Static routes are configured using […]
Posts Tagged ‘static route’
Types of Static Routes
Posted: 13th November 2022 by ccna200-301 in SRWETags: cisco static route, default route, floating static route, ip route, ipv6 route, routing, routing concept, srwe, standard static route, static route, summary static route
Troubleshoot Static IPv4
Posted: 13th November 2022 by ccna200-301 in SRWETags: ccna, ccna routing, cisco router, ping traceroute, route troubleshoot, routing concepts, show cdp neighbors, show ip interface brief, show ip route, srwe, static route, troubleshoot static route
Troubleshoot IPv4 Static and Default Route Configuration Network Changes Networks fail for a number of reasons: •An interface can fail •A service provider drops a connection •Links can become oversaturated •An administrator may enter a wrong configuration. Network administrators are responsible for pinpointing and solving the problem. To efficiently find and solve these issues, it […]