CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) certification is one of the most sought-after IT certifications globally. The CCNA certification provides professionals with a foundation in computer networks, which is essential in today’s technology-driven world. In Houston, TX, the CCNA classes are conducted by a well-known expert, Saeed Ahmad, who has been providing online and in-person CCNA classes to hundreds of students globally and now, he is focused on Houston due to a lot of class requests.

CCNAguru :

Saeed Ahmad, the CCNAguru, is a certified instructor with excellent presentation skills and is comfortable with interacting with groups. He provides one-on-one online tutoring for a highly personalized learning experience and small group classes for a more collaborative learning experience. He also teaches large live classes for sharing his knowledge with hundreds of students at a time. He provides support for homeschooling parents with one-on-one online tutoring and small group classes. Moreover, he accepts subject-specific, on-demand tutoring sessions whenever he is available.

Our Mission:

The CCNAguru mission is to transform the way people learn by leveraging advanced technology, AI, and the latest in learning science to facilitate a personalized learning experience. The expert instructors at CCNAguru believe that their thoughtful approach to matching students with the right experts can improve outcomes, and they look forward to connecting students with the right expert to learn.

Small Group Classes:

For students who prefer a more collaborative learning experience, Saeed Ahmad offers small group classes. In these classes, students are able to meet with a group of 7-9 other students, allowing them to work together, ask questions, and gain insight from one another. With the guidance and expertise of Saeed Ahmad, students are able to make the most of their learning experience and achieve their certification goals.

VT+ Classes:

For larger groups of students, Saeed Ahmad offers VT+ classes. In these classes, students can learn anything from math fundamentals to video game design with a group of 25-30 students. This approach allows Saeed Ahmad to reach a larger audience and share his knowledge and expertise with hundreds of students at a time.

Large Live Classes:

For an even more immersive experience, Saeed Ahmad offers large live classes. These classes allow students to learn in real-time, interact with one another, and get immediate feedback from Saeed Ahmad. This approach provides students with a comprehensive and interactive learning experience, helping them to achieve their certification goals.

Support for Homeschooling Parents:

For homeschooling parents, Saeed Ahmad CCNAguru offers support through 1-on-1 online tutoring and small group classes. This allows homeschooling parents to provide their children with the quality education and skills they need to succeed in the field of networking, without having to worry about the challenges of in-person classes.

Instant Tutoring:

For students who need help with a specific subject, Saeed Ahmad offers instant tutoring sessions. This allows students to receive subject-specific, on-demand tutoring whenever they need it, ensuring that they are able to make the most of their learning experience and achieve their certification goals.


CCNA certification is a crucial step for individuals looking to build a career in the field of networking. In Houston, TX, Saeed Ahmad CCNAguru provides expert training and guidance for individuals seeking CCNA certification. The flexible learning environment and personalized tutoring options offered by Saeed Ahmad CCNAguru make it an ideal choice for individuals looking to achieve their certification goals and succeed in the networking industry. The expert instructor, Saeed Ahmad, is a certified instructor with years of experience and provides various modes of learning, such as one-on-one online tutoring, small group classes, large live classes, and on-demand tutoring sessions. The mission of Saeed Ahmad CCNAguru is to provide personalized learning experiences through the use of advanced technology and the latest in learning science. Join Saeed Ahmad’s CCNAguru and benefit from expert CCNA training from a certified instructor.

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