By ccna200-301
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Introduction to Networks (ITN)
Scope and Sequence
The first course in the CCNA curriculum introduces the architectures, models, protocols, and networking elements that connect users, devices, applications and data through the internet and across modern computer networks – including IP addressing and Ethernet fundamentals. By the end of the course, students can build simple local area networks (LANs) that integrate IP addressing schemes, foundational network security, and perform basic configurations for routers and switches.

Listed below are the current set of modules and their associated competencies outlined for this course. Each module is an integrated unit of learning that consists of content, activities and assessments that target a specific set of competencies. The size of the module will depend on the depth of knowledge and skill needed to master the competency. Some modules are considered foundational, in that the artifacts presented, while not assessed, enable learning of concepts that are covered on the CCNA certification exam.

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